SkillsUSA Benefits
Teaching teamwork and leadership
Reinforcing employability skills
Offering a state and national contest program
Providing ways to serve the local community
Offering $1 million in scholarships annually
Helping students meet potential employers
Enhancing curriculum
Real-world engagement
Technical performance gauge
Providing avenues for local industry support
Showcase training programs
Gaining greater administrator support
Providing opportunities to network
Provide teachers with support, professional development and recognition.
Gain community support for their school and programs.
Build positive, professional connections.
Measure school/program success against state and national standards.
Help students build transferable skills.
Provide credentialing opportunities for students and teachers.
Keep students in school and highly engaged, resulting in fewer disciplinary issues.
Meet Perkins V and ESSA requirements.
Ensuring that programs meet industry needs
Providing opportunities for employment
Helping to promote specific industries
Participating in advisory boards
Shrinking the Skills Gap
Brand Loyalty
SkillsUSA Fact Resource 2022-23
This document contains a wide variety of facts, statistics and more related to SkillsUSA
Mission Poster
The mission statement explains why SkillsUSA exist, sharing the ultimate goal for the organization of preparing career-ready students who will excel at work, succeed in life and become assets to their communities.