SkillsUSA Louisiana SLSC News!!!!!
Formal information on the upcoming State Leadership and Skills Conference is available with the "Big Letter" to follow in the coming weeks as details are finalized. Use the button below to read the Formal Announcement. SkillsUSA PD Test Study Guide is updated! See website for details.
Finalize Your SkillsUSA Week Plans
It’s time to finalize your plans for SkillsUSA Week, Feb. 2-8! Your chapter should plan activities that build greater awareness of SkillsUSA and increase member engagement as you recognize education and industry supporters. This is the time for members to grow their skills and demonstrate that SkillsUSA is an important factor in their personal and professional development!
To get started, download the SkillsUSA Week program guide and select activities for each day of the week. The guide includes event ideas, theme artwork, a sample SkillsUSA Week proclamation, a draft school press release and more. Join the fun during SkillsUSA Week with chapter contests! Get creative and showcase your hard work with these fun challenges as you compete with other chapters for exciting prizes!
The SkillsUSA Store offers great gifts for hard-working advisors, dedicated supporters or for chapter officers to wear at your events. The store also offers a SkillsUSA Week bundle to make events feel festive and professional.
Request a virtual visit from a national officer during SkillsUSA Week! National officers can join your students for a 30-minute session on Feb. 4 to provide greetings and take your group through a fun lesson. Complete the virtual visit request form by Jan. 30. Spots are limited and national officers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Finally, are you looking for support to host your SkillsUSA Week events? Apply for the SkillsUSA Week Local Chapter Grant. Submit your application outlining your detailed plans for the week using the form located on our SkillsUSA Week webpage. Five local chapters will be chosen to receive grants to execute their event plans.
We encourage you to promote your activities to your local media. Here is an editable press release template to share on the Advocacy Site. Personalize the message with details about your school, training programs and activities. You can send a message to up to six contacts at a time by selecting the checkboxes and clicking Send a Message. Share your stories, photos or links with the SkillsUSA headquarters and we may feature your chapter on the SkillsUSA Champions digital hub or on our social media. Thanks for being an advocate for SkillsUSA and career and technical education!
Help for Chapters Affected by the Los Angeles-area Wildfires
The Los Angeles-area wildfires, beginning on Jan. 7, have resulted in unprecedented devastation. If your school was affected by the fires and you have SkillsUSA-related needs such as lost chapter materials or supplies, we invite you to request support using the SkillsUSA Hope Fund application.
SkillsUSA has been in continued conversations with the California state director and wants to share word to the SkillsUSA nation that if you can help and are able to help, you are encouraged to find a way to contribute to recovery for these communities. Numerous rescue groups including federal and state government agencies, relief organizations, churches and private parties are actively working across LA County to restore basic services and provide rescue and recovery, assess damages, remove debris, restore safety and access.
For those who wish to contribute specifically to SkillsUSA to support affected chapters at schools in these states, we are accepting donations to the SkillsUSA Hope Fund. Please note on your donation that it is for “LA wildfires SkillsUSA chapter relief.”
We hope our teachers and students in the affected areas receive the resources they need to regroup, rebuild and move forward. Most of all, we want you to know you have a national network of care and support from your SkillsUSA community. Whether you are helping others or need assistance, see Charity Navigator’s list of highly rated charities providing relief and recovery to those impacted by the fires or google to find agencies and organizations you prefer.
New Feature Highlighting Josh “Grizzly” Newman
Five years ago, if you had asked Josh “Grizzly” Newman where he would see himself today, he wouldn’t have said behind a barber’s chair. His life, once defined by addition, run-ins with the law and time in prison, has taken an incredible turn—one shaped by hard work, second changes and a new sense of purpose. See SkillsUSA’s latest inspiring feature about him and his journey so far.
We Need Your Input: Advisory Committees Survey
SkillsUSA is developing new resources to help chapters establish and enhance local advisory committees. As a SkillsUSA advisor/teacher, your experience and insights are invaluable to this work! Please take a moment to complete our brief survey and contribute to strengthening work-based learning in our Drive to 65 Strategic Plan initiative. Thank you for supporting SkillsUSA chapters nationwide! For questions, please contact Amanda Crawley.
Register by March 1 to Meet Eligibility Requirements
The national SkillsUSA membership deadline is March 1. Student members must meet both their state and this national membership deadline to be eligible for national competitions; to serve as voting delegates; to run for national office; or to apply for national scholarships, awards and honors. See the state dues and deadlines and learn how teachers can access their professional membership benefits in this video tutorial.
SkillsUSA Technical Thursdays in January
Join us for Technical Thursdays, SkillsUSA workshops led by industry experts who help teachers develop specific technical skills relevant to their career fields of interest. Leave these free virtual sessions with new skills to implement in your classroom. On Jan. 30, from 4-5 p.m. ET, Greg Zick and Miles Cardenas from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) will take a deep dive into an experiential learning opportunity where you can introduce your students to a real-life residential construction project. This hands-on project will allow your students to explore and get excited about a career in the homebuilding industry. Participants will earn a Professional (PD) certificate upon completion. Learn more and register for the workshops (space is limited). For questions, contact Karolina Belen.
Take Up the Challenge! NLSC Pin and T-shirt Design
SkillsUSA is offering the 2025 National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC) Pin and T-shirt Design Challenge to all dues-paying student members. The winning designs will become the official conference T-shirt and pin design for the 2025 NLSC. The challenge is open now, entries must be received by March 1 at midnight ET, and winners will be announced on March 7. Rules and submission links can be found on the SkillsUSA Website.
SkillsUSA College/Postsecondary Scholarships Are Open!
If your students are thinking ahead to the cost of college, SkillsUSA offers exclusive scholarship opportunities for postsecondary education. Registered SkillsUSA members with upcoming tuition expenses for the summer or fall 2025 academic term can apply for scholarships provided by SkillsUSA and our industry partners. We’ve added new WD-40 scholarships and NAPA scholarships will be available soon. The following scholarships are available:
• Bob Westphal Memorial Scholarship (closes May 30)
• Clifford “Ted” Rees Memorial Scholarship ($2,500, closes April 15)
• Fine Homebuilding #KeepCraftAlive Scholarship ($2,500, closes April 15)
• Larry Rash Memorial Scholarship ($2,500, closes April 15)
• Marsha Daves Memorial Scholarship ($1,500, closes April 15)
• National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA) Scholarship 2025 – (8 - $2,500 scholarships awarded) OPENING SOON!
• National Technical Honor Society Scholarship ($1,000, closes April 15)
• Sharon Melton Myers Memorial ($1,000, closes April 1)
• SkillsUSA WD-40 Scholarship 2025 – Closing April 15, 2025 (10 - $1,500 scholarships awarded)
SkillsUSA partners with Kaleidoscope to provide a streamlined application platform. Encourage your students to visit the SkillsUSA Scholarships webpage now to view available opportunities. For scholarship questions or assistance in applying, reach out to Customer Care.
Proposed Bylaw Amendments
You may now submit proposed bylaw amendments for the middle school, high school or college/postsecondary divisions for consideration by the House of Delegates at the 2025 National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC). Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing via this form by Friday, Jan. 24, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The SkillsUSA National Executive Council and board of directors will review proposed amendments. Proposed amendments will then be submitted to each state association not less than 60 days before NLSC. Proposed amendments will then be presented for vote at the official business meeting of the House of Delegates at NLSC. Bylaw amendments are governed by Article XII of the high school and college/postsecondary bylaws and Article X of the middle school bylaws. View the bylaws and the form to submit proposed amendments.
Seeking New SkillsUSA Facilitators
Do you have an awesome facilitator in your state who is a great candidate to take the next step and facilitate at SkillsUSA national conferences? These might be former students or state officers who are motivated to learn facilitation and apply it in SkillsUSA settings.
We are now accepting applications for 2025 student leadership facilitators to lead workshops at Leverage, Delegates, WLTI and Elevate. These are paid contract positions that include a full in-person training experience designed to take your facilitation skills from good to great. See the position description for more information and forward this opportunity to anyone you think is perfect for this role!
Applications are due on Jan. 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Questions? Contact Dan Kelly.
Share Your Community Service Stories with SkillsUSA!
The SkillsUSA Champions digital hub provides new content frequently, from inspiring features to stories about the great work chapters and partners are doing. We know your chapters are doing some amazing community service work this winter and we would love to write about it. To submit a story, send us the details through our “Submit a Story” link, and we’ll contact you.
Presidential Honors for Selfless Service
At the 2025 National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC), SkillsUSA will recognize advisors, students and registered alumni for their community service through the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). To qualify, SkillsUSA members must submit a record of their service hours. With SkillsUSA’s focus on community service, you may have already met the requirements. For details on how to apply, visit the website. Applications must be received by March 31, for recognition at the 2025 NLSC.
New Professional Development for Instructors
SkillsUSA is offering free virtual Professional Development Training Sessions in January and February. Check out the Professional Development page on our website where you’ll find training information and our featured Activity of the Month. Don’t miss out on these resources to enhance your chapter's programming! Class size is limited, so be sure to register to secure your place. Participants will earn a Professional Development (PD) certificate. For questions, contact Karolina Belen.
Honorary Life and Outstanding Educator Nominations Open
If you would like to nominate someone for recognition by SkillsUSA as an Honorary Life or Outstanding Educator, please complete the online applications. Be sure to notify those you nominate and provide all of the information that is requested. Learn more about these awards and eligibility by visiting the Awards Programs page on the SkillsUSA website. The deadline is Feb. 14, 2025. For questions, contact Madison Kraemer.
Seeking Musical Talent for NLSC
If you have a musical gift to share with the SkillsUSA community and love to perform, apply to perform the national anthem at the Opening Session of the 2025 National Leadership & Skills Conference. The chosen performer will be offered a spotlight performance opportunity on the big stage in front of over 15,000 people plus complimentary conference registration if your sole purpose of attendance is to perform the national anthem. Apply here by 5 p.m. ET on Feb. 14, 2025. For questions, contact Melinda Lloyd.
Seeking Innovative Chapters to Prototype a New Product
SkillsUSA is collaborating with Make48 to bring hands-on innovation challenges to more students in the 2025-26 school year. Beginning in August, teams of students will compete to innovate and prototype a new product for a business. The team whose product has the best potential to go to market, as chosen by the business, will advance to compete in a regional playoff competition featured in Make48’s Roku television series. Check out this sizzle reel showcasing the work of SkillsUSA Wisconsin students in 2024! SkillsUSA hopes to fill 25% of the Make48 national tournament bracket, which would lead to a SkillsUSA-themed competition and TV show for the playoffs and ensure SkillsUSA representation at the finals.
Interested schools must fill out this school commitment/application form. Applications for the 2025-26 tournament close on March 1. To learn more, visit www.make48.com.